There’s a lot of emphasis placed on credit scores when it comes to qualifying for cards, but there are other factors that are also considered. For example, a credit card issuer may want to ensure that you have enough income to afford the maximum credit limit it offers. That’s why you might see a minimum income requirement in the terms and conditions of some credit cards. Having an adequate income can help you avoid having your application rejected by ensuring that you’ll be able to pay off any balances you incur on time. Source:
Top Tier Toughness: The Hardest Credit Cards to Obtain
The hardest credit cards to get offer high-value rewards and exclusive perks, but they’re not available to just anyone. Typically, these luxury credit cards come with steep annual fees and require invitations to apply. Examples include the Platinum Card, Centurion Card, and J.P. Morgan Reserve credit cards from American Express; the Coutts Silk Card, Dubai First Royal Mastercard, which is used by members of the royal family; and the Merrill Lynch Octave Black Card.
To qualify for these elite cards, you’ll need to show that you have a substantial amount of assets and that you’re likely to spend your income wisely. You’ll also need an excellent credit score that demonstrates that you’re a responsible borrower, and the highest-tier cards might require a minimum credit score of 750. Additionally, it’s important to minimize the number of credit applications you make in a short period because doing so can lower your credit scores and indicate that you’re a risky borrower.