Almost all college and university campuses that accept federal funding have enacted Title IX-driven policies and procedures within their student conduct codes to investigate and discipline students who are accused of sexual harassment or misconduct. Whether you have been falsely accused of a crime or simply mistreated on campus, it is imperative that you consult with competent Title ix lawyers early and often during the process, both on the institutional level and in litigation. A Washington, DC, Title IX lawyer from Giordano Law Offices can help protect your rights if you are accused of a violation of the law.
What is the statute of limitations for Title IX in California?
A seasoned title ix lawyer will put significant pressure on the school to ensure you receive a fair and impartial investigation and hearing. In addition, they will record and establish a record of any bias or procedural errors that may occur during the proceedings so that you can bring them to light later on when filing a federal complaint with the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights or, in the alternative, in a lawsuit against the school.
It is important to understand that unlike police officers, investigators who investigate Title IX cases are often employed by the institution and as such, may be influenced by their desire to please their employer, which could result in the misinterpretation of evidence or the failure to interview certain witnesses. In addition, Title IX attorneys will be able to do an extensive background check on the investigator to find any bias and expose it at the appropriate time during the proceeding.